By:Christopher Light Throughout high school in any history-related class, you’ll learn about the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. It’s so important now for all high school students to learn about 9/11 because the graduating class of 2020 would be the first generation born after the 9/11 attacks. So it almost feels like a responsibility to carry on the information given to us by our teachers who had to experience this horrible act of terrorism. Around 2,996 (19 of the 2,996 people were hijackers) lives were lost that day and over 6,000 people were injured. The country stopped where it was nobody knew what to think. So many people lost family members and friends. All they could do was hope that the people they loved survived, hope was all anyone had. I interviewed Mr. Sand, the Current Issues teacher at Wethersfield High School. He expressed his feelings and reasons for why he went so in depth when teaching about 9/11. Mr. Sand said, “When you go down there [the 9/11 memorial in NYC] and you see what happened and you learn about it and you make a personal connection, it really puts your own life in perspective and I think it’s really important. This is true especially for seniors who are going out into the big wide world next year to get a sense that there is so much more out there than their lives in a small central Connecticut suburban town.” The United States will never recover fully from the terrorist attacks that took place on 9/11 but to be educated and to never forget the people that were lost that day is how the people of the United States became stronger. For sometime after the attacks, everybody was still in shock but everyone came together and supported each other people and all people wanted to do was help those who lost someone that day in any way they could. The fact is my generation and more specifically the senior class of students is the first of many new people to be born after 9/11 that’s why it’s even more important for us to learn about the events that occurred on that tragic day.
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