Sydney Dillon As midterms approach it’s good to keep in mind, that these tests are important but they are not life or death! For the seniors taking midterms at WHS it can be even more added stress because of all the other things we may have going on. The stress of applying to colleges, working jobs on top of having schoolwork, and keeping our grades up so we can graduate. Since many of us still need to take midterms, I came up with a list of ways to help survive these tests, and make life a little easier.
1. How to Really Study It’s important to study even if you think you know the material well because it helps review and keep the material fresh in your memory. However, if you push off studying till the night before the test, you’re asking for a bad time. There is a decent amount of material to cover while studying. It’s best to have time set aside to study, but break your study time into increments. You don’t have to take hours reviewing material and overwork yourself! Study for 20 minutes then take a break. 2. Get a Good Night's Sleep Yes we all know this but the impact sleep can have is truly crucial for success. There was a study that found, staying awake for 21 hours straight would give you the mental capacity of someone who is “legally drunk.” Meaning lack of sleep messes with your ability to function overall. At least 8 hours of sleep per night is enough. For example, if you wake up at 6:00 am in the morning, you could still go to bed at 10:00 pm the night before and be well rested. 3. Eat Breakfast This one is often swept under the rug because most of us don’t have time for breakfast in the morning. Even if you wake up and eat a banana quickly or some crackers, it’ll help to have something in your system. Another study has found that students who skip breakfast experience a 20-40% reduction in cognition. 4. Stay Hydrated! I’m guilty of waking up every morning and drinking coffee but it’s important to also drink plenty of water. I’m sure we’re well aware of the effects that dehydration brings. Drinking enough fluids will increase performance and make you feel more lively! 5. Don’t Overstress Midterms are only 20% of our final grade and while it is helpful to do well on them, you will still be ok if you do poorly. Trying your best is all teachers ask, and they want us to do well. If a certain class gives you trouble just do what you can and try to pass! Too much stress will affect your performance as well. Keep an open mind. I hope some of these tips were helpful, and if you’re taking exams this year best of luck!
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