Emma Moore Listen up, this is dire.
Walking. It’s the simplest task, yet people continue to screw it up. I know it sounds funny, that I’m making a big deal over walking in the halls, but it’s way more of an issue than one would think. For the last 3 and ½ years I’ve unfortunately been stuck in the worst school traffic, been behind the slowest students, and have gotten slammed into on numerous occasions. The most frustrating part is that kids don’t seem to realize or understand what they’re doing, why it’s bad, and how their actions affect others. I’m just trying to get to class on time and with only 4 minutes even the smallest thing can make us late. There are a few unofficial rules when it comes to walking in the school. The school is a mess when it comes to walking and I’m here to remind people of those rules. I may only have a semester left, but I want to at least try to make the issue with walking either less of an issue or none at all. Rule 1- Walk on the right side The hallway is like the road and the people are like the cars. We drive on the right and we walk on the right. Everyone who walk in one direction should all be on the same side of the hall therefore, making room for people who are walking in the opposite direction (their right) and preventing collisions. Rule 2- Don’t take up the entire hall with your friends Many friends like to walk in groups all together, but they tend to line up horizontally so they’re can all walk next to each other. Don’t do this. We get it you want to be with your friends, but if you’re all taking up that space, you’re affecting all those behind you and those walking towards you. You make it difficult to pass or break through the line, and then stop to move and make way for others. If you’re one to do this, well you can’t get mad if someone knocks into you because, you and your friends are at fault. Just walk behind each other, you aren’t missing out on anything with your friends. Rule 3- Do not walk at a speed of .0005 mph Please do not walk slow. When you’re barely walking, you’re giving everyone behind you a headache. Everyone is just trying to get to their class and you’re the one who is about to make them all late. We all walk our own speeds, but you need to be aware that there are a stream of people behind you. If you’re going to constantly walk at a slow speed you have to at least make room for people to pass you. Rule 4- Do not stop in the middle of the hall I have to be honest, this one makes no sense. There is no reason for you to come to a dead stop in the middle of the hall. There is no reason to scream and stop to talk to your friends- you can talk to them whenever you want, you can even walk and talk at the same time. When you come to a brief stop everyone behind you has to stop and find someway around you and your friends taking up the entire hall. Rule 5- No one likes hugging the corners For no reason should you be hugging the the corner, especially when you’re walking in the hall during class time. There is no one in the hall, but you decided it’s okay to hug the corner. There’s an entire hall to walk in. The worst is when you’re just walking and turn the corner and someone just ramps into you. Why would you ever do that? Rule 6- Let people merge The hallways mirror roads minus the stop signs and lights. The main staircase is the most congested area I’ve ever been in. People can’t make it to the staircase from lunch, or people decide once the lunch bell rings that you can walk down both sides of the staircase, not leaving any space for people to get up the stairs- if they’re even able to make it to the stairs. You have to squirm your way up the stairs against everyone and direction of traffic. Just let people by, we don’t want to all collide with one another. For the most part, walking is easy and plenty of students can successfully do it, but everyone has their off days. This is just a little guide to help the school run a little smoother. When you’re walking just try to remember these few unofficial rules and I promise you those short 4 minutes between classes will be better.
9/29/2022 02:21:50 pm
these are the things i've thought for a while. thank you for actually saying it ( sophomore girls are the WORST at this)
9/27/2023 06:30:51 pm
I'd love to know the name of this wonderful institution
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