By Jane Rumley In life you come across a small portion of people who make a huge impact on others. For many students that person is Stephen Carr, a social studies teacher at Wethersfield High School. Not only is he a teacher but a friend who is easy to talk to and due to his young age of 34 he understands a lot of things that kids might be going through. Being a teacher at Wethersfield High School since 2010, he has had two generations of freshman work their way up to becoming young adults and has watched them adapt to the ever changing world. “I think over the course of time with renovations school has changed in a positive way, student wise I think it’s a different generation of kids who are coming through who need more supports. I think that school moral and school spirit can improve because you know a lot of time there's not as strong of a bond among groups.” Carr hopes that this progression continues and has great hopes for the future generations of Wethersfield High. ![]() Mr. Carr better known as just Carr has a exuberant personality that lights up the room and the ability to turn anyone's frown upside down. When asked why he chose to pursue to career of an educator and how got into the profession his answer was plain and simple, he needed something more fulfilling in his life besides just being a sales manager, he wanted a “noble profession.” “I felt like doing sales, I was impacting no one but myself, and I think this is something you can have a lasting impact on and you relate with people and could change somebody's life.” Our youth represents the future of our society and our educators are tools used to help guide those students towards the path to success. The quality of the education one receives can change their entire outcome of life and our teachers are a huge part of that educating the future of the world. Many teachers don’t understand that however Mr. Carr does. Carr holds himself to very high standards not only as a teacher but in his day to day life. He believes honesty and the ability to make someone laugh and be happy are the keys. To living, to achieve this he says he tries to do one nice thing each day for a new person and hopes his students do as well. Aside from teaching social studies, Carr also coaches the girls cross country and long distance track teams leading many girls to all conference/state titles. He pushes his runners to do the best and most they can do, often times completing their workouts or runs right along side with them motivating them every step of the way. He is able to push the girls he trains to potentials he knows they can have. From experience under his coaching he has taught me proper techniques on how to run faster and more efficiently and has boosted my confidence tremendously. Just as a teacher, when he coaches, Carr works to establish strong relationships with his students. He wants kids to see him as someone in the school they can go to for support, advice, help or simply just to have a person to laugh with. Not only is he a teacher and a coach he is a man with an open mind wanting to explore the world and all the world has to offer. When asked if he could change one thing and what it would be he responded with this, “I wish more people communicated and tried come to common ground as opposed to just being strong within your beliefs that you can’t see anybody else's side.” Continuing on he said, “That would change the way that people view the world. And that goes along with my idea of travel, I think by traveling you break down barriers and your sort of allow yourself to see somebody else's perspective and not be so narrow minded.” Carr is the teacher students go back after graduating to specifically visit, he makes lasting impressions and always makes sure to keep in touch with those he builds connections with. Whether he is running around the streets of Wethersfield with his track team or simply walking his dog Cinnamon, Carr is the teacher you hope to run into on a bad or good day. He has a sweet cherubic smile and is certainly one of the most stylish teachers at Wethersfield High School. He has made a huge impact on many people’s lives.
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